Shabbat Around the World
You can learn about them through my unique,
digital-story / lesson-plan series that
It Gets You and Your Students Involved!

Based on real events, this picture book dramatizes the story of young Haila, a Yemenite girl, who with her family was airlifted to safety by Alaska Airlines during Operation Magic Carpet. This daring mission rescued nearly 50,000 Jews from the dangers of Yemen in 1949 and 1950, and safely brought them to Israel.
Luis de Torres lives in Spain during the Spanish Inquisition. He is a Converso, a Catholic convert who in his heart, remains Jewish. Like many fellow Spanish Jews, he practices his religion in secret.
Joshua Mendes misses his best friend Isaac, who has moved to Boston. Find out what happens when he and his Papa make a surprise visit in this yummy tale of friendship and freedom.
A Best Jewish Holiday Book, Spring 2021
Meet Soosie, the lovable, resourceful horse that saves Shabbat for people living in Jerusalem during the early 20th Century.
When a migrating stork gets tangled in a net covering a fish pond on Maya’s kibbutz, Maya wonders what to do.
It's not easy having an older brother who is challenged and does embarrassing things. Ask Jacob and he'll tell you all about his older brother Nathan.
Whoever thought of connecting a candle used on Tisha B'Av to Hanukkah? Or participating in a torchlight relay race to honor the Macabees?
It's fun to dip your finger in the wine when reciting the 10 plagues, and hiding the Afikomon, but they are not the only playful customs Jews have created for Passover.
This award-winning book tells the gripping story behind the Sefer Torah (Torah scroll) that Ilan Ramon took up into outer space.
Did you know that Abraham was the first person to understand the importance of sustainable herding? That Joseph was the first to develop guidelines for natural disaster planning? delicious. That's the best way to describe this unique book combining Bible stories and matching recipes. Do you know that the first delectable treats were found in the Garden of Eden?
Lotty Gross dreams of becoming a famous lace maker. While learning the trade she begins to make a lace tablecloth for her wedding chest. She decides that she will use the cloth every Friday night to welcome the Sabbath Queen.