Shabbat Around the World
You can learn about them through my unique,
digital-story / lesson-plan series that
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Luis de Torres lives in Spain during the Spanish Inquisition. He is a Converso, a Catholic convert who in his heart, remains Jewish. Like many fellow Spanish Jews, he practices his religion in secret.
Luis de Torres lives in Spain during the Spanish Inquisition. He is a Converso, a Catholic convert who in his heart, remains Jewish. Like many fellow Spanish Jews, he practices his religion in secret. When the King and Queen set a deadline for Jews to leave Spain, Luis decides to join an explorer on a sailing expedition to find freedom in new lands. He is alone. All he has is his faith, his wits, and the silver hamsa his nephew gave him to protect him on his journey. As he boards the ship, a terrible storm hits. Can the Jewish traditions of Tisha B’Av help save the ship from the rough, choppy waters?