Shabbat Around the World
You can learn about them through my unique,
digital-story / lesson-plan series that
It Gets You and Your Students Involved!

Dear Tami,
Thank you so much for today. It went really well. The students (and the teachers) were very engaged. They were so interested in the story itself and your own story, that even after we disconnected from the Skype session the questions continued.
I hope to be in touch again soon.
Kol tuv,
Haviva Donin Peters
Head Librarian
Ramaz Lower School
Dear Tami,
I would like to take this opportunity once again to thank you for the warm, enthusiastic, and creative presentations you gave for our First and Fourth Graders at the Yeshiva of Central Queens on Thursday, February 10, 2011. Both students and teachers alike were fascinated by the programs, which focused on two appealing books: Zvuvi's Israel and Keeping the Promise: a Torah's Journey. The "Zvuvi" book gave our young First Graders an opportunity to learn more about Israel's geography, culture, and language, further enhanced by group games which tested their ability to skim book pages to find Zvuvi for themselves. The Fourth Graders had an opportunity to learn more about the intricacies of the writing process and ask questions. Furthermore, they appreciated listening to the Holocaust story, beginning with Rabbi Dasberg and ending with Ilan Ramon. Inspirational Holocaust stories such as this one provides our students with better insight and appreciation for the acts of courage and commitment which many Jews (such as Rabbi Dasberg) demonstrated during this tragic period in Jewish history.
On behalf of the Yeshiva of Central Queens, we very much appreciate your time and efforts to visit our school. Best wishes for a freilichim Purim!
Etta Presser-Anton, School Librarian
Dear Tami,
Thank you so much for enlightening my class with your fabulous presentation on "Keeping The Promise." My students were truly inspired and amazed at all the hard work that is involved in being an author. They were very eager to write to you their thoughts and questions after your presentation. If possible, can you email me a short note so that I can show it to the class.
Sandra Dua
Class 4-306
Yeshiva of Central Queens
Dear Tami,
It was a great pleasure to host you at Temple Dor Dorim.
Our preschool children were introduced to Zvuvi and his
travels though Israel in a fun and memorable presentation.
Our preschool director and teachers have decided to use
Zvuvi's Israel as their kindergarten graduation theme this year.
What a great tribute to your book and the impression it made
on our preschool staff.
Our religious school children were treated to the presentation
of your book Tasty Bible Stories. What a fun way to present
stories of the Bible, an updated telling with yummy recipes.
Thank you so much for visiting our school.
Lorelei Ennis
Temple Dor Dorim
Weston, Florida
Dear Mrs. Lehman-Wilzig,
On behalf of the Yeshiva of Central Queens, I would like to thank you again for your very creative, innovative, and enriching Jewish Heirloom story program at our school on Monday, June 1, 2009. The second graders and their teachers anticipated your visit several weeks prior to your arrival, and appreciated listening to you read your book, entitled Lotty's Lace Tablecloth. Many of these students have also had the privilege to hear your other endearing Jewish Heirloom story, Mayer Aaron Levi and His Lemon Tree, and were equally impressed. Your exemplary Power Point presentation showed the students several remarkable examples of valuable Jewish heirlooms, as well.
Inviting the children to show and tell their own family heirlooms added a great deal of personal meaning to your program for the second graders, and I am confident that they will remember you and appreciate your books for many years to come. In addition, I feel that they will cherish the value of their own family heirlooms long after they pass second grade.
Thank you again for giving us the opportunity to share and savor family history through enriching heirlooms and stories. Best wishes for a wonderful summer!
Etta Presser-Anton
School Librarian
Dear Tami,
The Bureau of Jewish Education would like to thank you for presenting your school programs and teacher workshop in Houston. The programs were very well received and I know the students and teachers gained valuable information from your presentations.
Thank you very much for being part of our program schedule. Your participation and commitment helps make our programs meaningful and worthwhile for our students and teachers.
I hope we have the opportunity to work together in the near future.
Lisa Klein
Assistant Director
Bureau of Jewish Education
Jewish Federation of Greater Houston
Dear Tami,
We would just like to say THANK YOU for an amazing day at the Northwest Ohio Jewish Book Fair! We have heard nothing but great comments about your presentation.
Wishing you and your families a Happy Holidays and Great New Year!
Rene, Hallie & Sherry
Rene A. Rusgo
Director, Department of Jewish Programs
United Jewish Council of Greater Toledo
6465 Sylvania Avenue
Sylvania, Ohio 43560
Dear Tami,
Thank you so much for today. It was wonderful to finally meet you and talk to you.
Thanks for the fantastic presentations. The kids loved the opportunity to experience something new and exciting.
Kol tuv and thanks again.
Janet Gat
Coordinator of Talented and Gifted/Special Needs
Ezra Academy
75 Rimmon Road
Woodbridge, CT 06525.
Dear Tami,
I want to thank you for your incredible South Florida book tour in November. Students and teachers truly enjoyed meeting a real author who was warm and engaging, and were eager to hear your stories. Each of our area Day Schools prepared the students for your visit so that students were ready with excellent questions, comments and understanding of the topics.
The Tasty Bible Stories presentations were especially popular with the younger students (K - 2) who loved being part of the Bible Quiz Show and then having the opportunity to prepare and enjoy their own tasty treats. Students who heard the "Jewish Heirloom" presentations (grades 3 - 5), listened attentively as you read the story, and were thrilled to have a chance to share the story of their own family heirloom. Your presentation on "The story behind the stories" was especially well received by the older students and their teachers. They were able to clearly understand and appreciate the process an author goes through from the first thoughts about a topic to the researching, writing, illustrating and finally completion and publishing of the book.
I was impressed with your ability to include all of the children in different aspects of your presentations and to truly listen to their remarks and explanations. Thank you so much for your time, energy and enthusiasm throughout the book tour.
Elayna Weisel
The Rose and Jack Orloff
Central Agency for Jewish Education of Broward County
5890 S. Pine Island Road, Davie, Florida 33328
Dear Tami:
I am still savoring the pleasure of yesterday's visit. Thank you for such lucid, engaging and organized presentations.
I had wonderful feedback from our faculty and administration. I hope that you enjoyed seeing our school and a slice of the country life that Baltimore accords its residents! If we are in fact listed in the local newspaper, I will be sure to send you the clipping.
All the very best,
Shirley Avin
Beth Tfiloh Day School
Baltimore, Md.
From the Beth Tfiloh Day School E-tone
Visiting Author from Israel Retells a Torah's Journey
Beth Tfiloh Lower School students were treated to an inspiring presentation by award winning Israeli children's author, Tami Lehman Wilzig last week. Mrs. Wilzig's book, "Keeping the Promise: A Torah's Journey" was selected as an "International Reading Teachers Choice". It tells the true story of how a small Torah scroll was passed from a Dutch Rabbi in the Bergen Belsen concentration camp during the Holocaust to a Bar Mitzvah boy imprisoned in the camp, to the ill-fated Israeli astronaut and Israeli national hero, Ilan Ramon, who perished in the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster together with the small Torah scroll.
Ms. Wilzig used her book as a springboard for the discussion of various Jewish concepts, including how a Torah is made, Jewish holidays relating to the Torah, and the concept of a "promise" as it relates to Jewish biblical tradition. Students had the opportunity to ask questions about her book and to see a tiny Torah scroll that was reminiscent of the scroll in her book. This true story -- which ties together the Holocaust and the modern Jewish state of Israel -- was an inspiring one and the courageousness of the individuals who carried the Torah from the darkness of the Bergen Belsen concentration camp, literally "to the heavens", could be felt by all those present, young and old alike.
Dear Tami:
Thank you for making an appearance at Krieger Schechter Day School in early November for K - 4th graders. The children in Kindergarten and 1st grade enjoyed your Tasty Bible Stories, and the treats which followed. Our 2nd and 4th graders gained insight into the importance of keeping memories alive from your presentation of Keeping the Promise. The story of the small Torah saved from the concentration camps and given to Ilan Ramon was very poignant.
It was a pleasure to see you again and enjoyable to be able to spend some time with you at dinner the previous evening.
We are looking forward to your new books in the Heirloom Stories series.
Sonia Kozlovsky
Krieger Schechter Day School
Baltimore, Maryland
Our book festival has come to an end and your event certainly helped to make it a huge success! The Tasty Bible Stories program that you did, for children and their parents, was one of the most interactive and high spirited programs that we've ever offered for children. The feedback from those who attended was overwhelmingly positive. Even though working, I must say that I had a marvelous time that afternoon. The program was just the right combination of education, fun and food.
Children's programs are among the most difficult that we organize during our annual festival. Not all children's authors work well with the very people they write for and many of the programs are nothing more than a reading and book signing. That kind of event is great for older students and adults, but does very little for pre-school and elementary school kids. So, I'm always on the lookout for more inventive programs and yours fit the bill.
I'm so glad that we brought you to Indianapolis and we'll keep in touch and discuss other opportunities in the future. I wish you continued success with your children's books.
Naomi Tropp, Director
Ann Katz Festival of Books
Arthur M. Glick JCC
Indianapolis, Indiana
Dear Tami,
I just wanted to inform you that I used your book about the Lemon Tree at Grandparents' Day at Heritage Academy last Friday. I read the book to the grandparents and grandchildren, together. The emphasis was on the Value of Tzedakah - especially as a Jewish value, and L'Dor V'Dor. In other words, the responsibility/role of grandparents in passing down to future generations Jewish values that we hold dear.
It was very successful.
Dr. Deborah R. Starr
Head of School
Heritage Academy
Longmeadow, MA