Shabbat Around the World
You can learn about them through my unique,
digital-story / lesson-plan series that
It Gets You and Your Students Involved!

Based on real events, this picture book dramatizes the story of young Haila, a Yemenite girl, who with her family was airlifted to safety by Alaska Airlines during Operation Magic Carpet. This daring mission rescued nearly 50,000 Jews from the dangers of Yemen in 1949 and 1950, and safely brought them to Israel.
Yemen has become a dangerous place to live for Haila and her family. According to the Bible, they will be safely carried to Israel on the wings of eagles. But time is running short and no eagle has arrived.
On the other side of the world, Warren is a pilot for Alaska Airlines. When the company receives a telegram asking it to aid the Jews fleeing Yemen, Warren knows he has to take the risk and do what he can to help.
After a long journey to Aden, the port city Jews have been told to go to in order to leave Yemen, Haila and her family get scared when they see an airplane for the first time. Where are the eagles that are supposed to fly them to Israel? Can Warren and his crew come up with a creative solution to convince them that the plane is like an eagle that flies?
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