Monday, 11 August 2014

Green Bible Stories for Children

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An environmental theme unites nine Jewish bible stories enhanced with a variety of science and nature activities.
The religiously focused narrative begins by stating that God’s “perfectly planned planet” has been misused by humankind. Biblical figures such as Noah, Abraham, Joshua, Joseph and Moses demonstrate how the Bible is filled with ways to preserve and respect the earth. From Noah’s Ark and the flood, illustrating the beauty of the planet’s biodiversity, to Joshua’s need for sunlight to successfully defend the people of Gibeon with solar power, each scene is connected to a contemporary interpretation through introductory paragraphs and child-oriented projects. For example, noise pollution is addressed through the story of how Joshua destroyed Jericho first by surrounding the city walls with silence and then by using the loud trumpet blasts to crack the ramparts reinforcing the walls. This is followed by a simple science experiment that will observe whether two identical plants will grow differently under soothing classical and loud hard rock music. Biblical scenes done in gouache against white or pastel backgrounds alternate with easy-to-achieve directives in white panels set against a background that look like green handmade paper. A final “potpourri” section deals with biblical laws and practices for a plethora of eco-friendly practices.
A credible, ethical approach to teaching environmental science and responsibility under a Judaic umbrella.(Religion. 5-9)

Kirkus Reviews
Online Review: August 10, 2011
Print Issue Review: September 1, 2011

Read 1904 times Last modified on Monday, 11 August 2014

Shabbat Around the World

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