Shabbat Around the World

Digital Stories & Lessons Plans


Designed for 3rd - 4th Graders in Jewish Day Schools and Religious Schools

Shabbat Around the World is available on an individual story-lesson plans unit basis. Every story is accompanied by a minimum of 4 out-of-the-box lesson plans – two of which are always an unusual story discussion and a mapping activity. Many stories have bonus lesson plans as well. Click on each story title for a story summary and brief lesson plan descriptions.
For a full description click here...

  • Suggested School Calendar Use Month Before/Of Passover

  • Suggested School Calendar Use Month of School's Grandparents Day

  • Suggested School Calendar Use March – National Music in Our Schools Month; May – Month of National Superhero Day; Month of School's Grandparents Day; Month for Appreciation of the Arts Day

  • Suggested School Calendar Use Israel Independence Day; Month on School Calendar for Emphasizing the Importance of Community Spirit

  • Suggested School Calendar Use Month of Thanksgiving; Tu B'Shvat; April – Month of International Good Deeds Day

  • Suggested School Calendar Use Month of Israel Independence Day; Month of Special Havdalah Program

  • Suggested School Calendar Use Month of School's Special Havdalah Program; January – Official Jewish History Month in Florida

  • Suggested School Calendar Use Columbus Day

  • Suggested School Calendar Use Month of Jewish High Holidays

Shabbat Around the World

We Jews are a diverse people, with communities all over the world creating engaging Shabbat customs.

You can learn about them through my unique,
digital-story / lesson-plan series that
It Gets You and Your Students Involved!